Did Two Women Die Due to Georgia's Abortion Laws? Examining the Impact of Roe v. Wade's Overturn
By Christian Funck, LL.M. (George Washington University) In Georgia, two women died after taking abortion pills. Kamala Harris claims that physicians were unable to provide the necessary medical…
DIY Guide Presidential Election – 13 Keys to the White House 2024 by Allan Lichtman – Final Prediction
By Björn-Michael Lange Who will win the White House in 2024? This article1 is based on the 13 Keys to the White House, a model developed by Professor Allan Lichtman and Russian geophysicist…
The Long Arm of U.S. Cybersecurity Law
By Dr. Fabian Ibel The Long Arm of U.S. Jurisdiction U.S. jurisdiction has long arms. It is often overlooked, sometimes even by compliance officers, that U.S. law may apply to…
Stairway to M&A Safe Harbor: It’s Whistleblowing, Stupid!
By Dr. Fabian Ibel In the realm of mergers and acquisitions (M&A), compliance is taking on an increasingly pivotal role. Recent updates from the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) underscore the…
DIY Guide Presidential Election – The 13 Keys to the White House by Allan Lichtman
By Björn-Michael Lange Significance of the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election The United States of America remain, by any measure, the most powerful nation on earth. Despite having just over 4 percent…
Alabama Electoral Map – Supreme Court, Gerrymandering, and the Rule of Law
By Björn-Michael Lange Gerrymandering: Where does the term come from? The term “gerrymandering” comes from the early 19th century. It is a combination of the name of Governor Elbridge Gerry of…
Voßkuhle, der Supreme Court und gefährliche Narrative der US-Innenpolitik
Opinion By Christian Funck Der ehemalige Präsident des Bundesverfassungsgerichts Andreas Voßkuhle sieht einen Rückbau und Bedeutungsverlust des US-Supreme Courts und übernimmt dabei unkritisch…
Getty Images v. Stability AI: Urheberrechtliche Herausforderungen im Zusammenhang mit generativer KI (Teil 1)
By Vincent M. Kästle und Tobias Wolfenstätter Teil 1: Input bzw. KI-Training Fast keine Woche vergeht, ohne dass eine aufsehenerregende Klage gegen einen Anbieter von Künstlicher Intelligenz…
USA: Trennung von Staat und Kirche in Gefahr?
By Christian Funck Der US-Supreme Court hat im vergangenen Jahr mit umstrittenen Urteilen für Aufregung gesorgt. Zu ihnen zählen auch zwei Urteile zur Religionsfreiheit. Bei einer sachlichen…
Das Waffenrecht im Rechtsvergleich zwischen Deutschland und den USA
By Kevin Frank & Alexander Vogel Kritik am Waffenrecht infolge von mass shootings in den USA „They say that no laws could have been able to prevent the hundreds of senseless tragedies that…
Das neue US-Unternehmenstransparenzgesetz stellt SMEs vor neue Herausforderungen
By Jürgen R. Ostertag und Janina Bary Das „neue“ US-Unternehmenstransparenzgesetz (Corporate Transparency Act) ist am 1. Januar 2021 in Kraft getreten und erlegt SMEs (small and medium…
Delaware Court of Chancery Tightens Duties of Corporate Officers
By Sebastian Meis, LL.M., Felix Faerber, Dr. Maximilian Oehlschlaegel, LL.M. und Belana Knossalla Delaware Court of Chancery, No. 2021-0324-JTL, 01/26/2023 In a first-of-its-kind decision from…
Wettbewerbsverbote in Arbeitsverträgen adé? Der Vorschlag der US Federal Trade Commission über ein Verbot von Wettbewerbsklauseln
By Jürgen R. Ostertag und Dr. Rudi Ruks Am 5. Januar 2023 hat die Federal Trade Commission (kurz: FTC; zu Deutsch: Bundeswettbewerbskommission) über den geplanten Erlass von Bestimmungen informiert…
LL.M. Stanford Law - Experience Report (Part 2) - "Everything I Tell You Is Wrong - Somewhere"
By Nikolaus Schröder Nikolaus Schröder writes about his LL.M. studies at Stanford Law School as part of the LL.M. class of 2023 in an ongoing series. This second part describes the first weeks of…
Acronyms, jurisdiction and transatlantic partnership— DAJV visits Kleber Barracks and Ramstein Air Base
By Louis Roer On Thursday, 13 October 2022, the Kaiserslautern Military Community (KMC) invited DAJV members to visit the U.S. military presence in the Kaiserslautern area, namely the Kleber…
LL.M. Stanford Law - Experience Report (Part 1)- A Breath of Fresh Air
By Nikolaus Schröder Nikolaus Schröder writes about his LL.M. studies at Stanford Law School as part of the LL.M. class of 2023 in an ongoing series. This part describes the first days in California…
Erfolgreiche DAJV Premiere auf der KÖ-Meile
By Torsten Klatt Am Sonntag, 4. September sind die DAJV Young Professionals erstmals mit einem Team beim Stadtlauf Kö-Meile auf der Düsseldorfer Königsallee an den Start gegangen, um dort die…
U.S. Supreme Court Limits Federal Courts’ Jurisdiction to Confirm or Vacate Arbitral Awards
By Dr. Anke Meier, LL.M. und Megan Deardorff, Esq., LL.M. On March 31st, the U.S. Supreme Court in Denise A. Badgerow v. Greg Walters, et al., decided an extremely important case regarding federal…
Public Nuisance Claims as a Way to Prove Business Liability in U.S. Courts: How Great is the Risk?
By Megan Deardorff, Esq., LL.M. und Dr. Kathrin Nordmeier, Esq. Any business involved in the chain of manufacture of a product sold in the United States (including component part manufacturers,…