About us
Among the most distinguished U.S. law schools, the University of Chicago is the only one which offers the combination of a small LL.M. program (70-80 students) with a real sense of community, a challenging academic experience both inside and outside the classroom and an exciting urban location in one of the great cities of the world (Chicago has been named the best big city in America by Conde Nast five years in a row).
Our LLM graduates say that their year at the Law School had a great impact on both their subsequent personal and professional lives. They also look back fondly at the friendships that developed and the experiences they shared with classmates and others in the University community.
LLM Overview
The University of Chicago offers a general LLM. There are no specific courses that LLM students are required to take, thus providing the flexibility to create individualized courses of study. LLM students often put together course and seminar schedules that reflect certain practice specialties such as corporate/securities, intellectual property, antitrust/regulation of business or commercial transactions. Most, however, also add offerings in areas like constitutional law, legal theory, law and economics, and comparative law to round out their academic experience. Most LLM students will have all of their classes with students in the JD program, but we do offer some LLM only courses in subjects that are required for the New York bar exam.
Financial Aid
Financial aid for students in the LLM program is limited. Grants are available only in a small portion of the total cost. In a typical LLM class, about 30% of the students will receive scholarship grants based on merit from the Law School and the average grant is between $15,000 and $20,000. LLM applicants requiring financial aid should make every effort to obtain assistance from their governments, families, employers, or other outside sources.
All admitted applicants will be automatically considered for merit scholarships based upon the materials submitted in their application. No additional application is necessary to be considered. However, in some cases the Graduate Programs Committee may ask individual candidates to supply additional information on a case by case basis.
Application Requirements
Candidates applying for admission to the LLM Program must use the LSAC LLM Credential Assembly Service.
Chicago requires both the Document Assembly Service (DAS) and the International Transcript Authentication and Evaluation Service (ITAES).
For additional information, please visit the LLM program website. Here, the Graduate Studies Committee has provided extensive information about the program and the application process. If you do have questions after reviewing this material, please feel free to write the Office of Graduate Programs at lawgrad@uchicago.edu.

University of Chicago Law School
1111 E 60th St, Chicago
IL 60637

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